Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Travelling Fellowship (Revised x3)

So I've changed the Festival I wanted to go to because I found one that is even better and closer to my interest as well as being bigger and at a better time (The last one was during the Spring semester) than before.

I have been committed to making work that is both visually and technically exceptional since I have come to MCA. I have not only been active in the MCA community (founding and leading clubs, using my voice to make significant changes about MCA, etc.,) but I have done so while never receiving anything lower than a B for any class. I say this not to gloat but to affirm my passion and drive for my education and my future career. My work has been screened at Indie Memphis Student Short competition and I have been the leader of the MCA animation club, GSA, and a leader in Student Alliance. For that reason and more I believe I would be the best candidate for this fellowship.

The specific questions I plan to address are whether there are huge differences between European an American narrative. I would also like to answer why sci-fi and fantasy-adventure is although one of the hardest genres yet also one that profits tremendously both finacially and with career exposure; such as the Harry Potter Films or Star Wars. I would be the best person for this trip because I would use my time as wisely as possible, my experiences organizing events and connecting with others in the industry is paramount. If my work does not speak for itself, then you should know that I am a perfectionist and try to perform at the highest level of aesthetics and

Depart 4.29.2012 for London, United Kingdom via American Airlines Flight(round trip):$874.90-$1000.00

Arrive and arrange accommodation at: Keystone House Kings Cross in London, England:$26.58-40 a night. : $186.06 for 7 days (this is the cheapest rate, I may have to go higher)

(The full schedule of this festival is not yet listed online, but what I will likely be partaking in is:)

Sci-fi london: (strangely enough the ticket prices aren't out)
-48 hr Film Challenge
-Fantasy Screenwriter Workshop
-Search for a Script...
-Interviews with numerous professionals in the industry
-A lot more!

More things I will do!
 -Trip to the British Musuem : Free
- a visit to BBC Television centre for a tour : £7.75 - £9.95 ($10.41-$13.37)
-Tate Gallery : Currently Unavailible, Approx. $20
-Tate Gallery $20
-London Science Museum, Free, Imax is not free (set aside $20)
-London Trasnport Museum

Transportation: Oyster Card, $48
Food & Beverages: $950( The stay is for 5-6 days)
Emergency Fund:$400

Total: $2712.33

This is a conservative estimate.

Depart for memphis 5.6.2012, arrive 5.7.2012 (price listed above)

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