Tuesday, November 29, 2011




Aug 2009 – Present
Enrolled at Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN.
Majoring in Digital Media with a Focus in Digital Cinema
GPA: 3.6

May 2009
Graduated with Honors
East Literature Magnet School. Nashville, TN


Proficient in Mac and PC
Final Cut Pro
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Aftereffects
Toonboom Animation software
Video Production and PreProduction Skills
Audio Recording, Logic, Ableton, Reason


Dean's list
Indie Memphis Student Short Film Competition
Memphis College of Art Portfolio Scholarship
Memphis College of Art Christi Collins Scholarship
Memphis College of Art Painting and Drawing Exhibition Fall 2010
Digital Cinema Student Alliance Representative


08.2009 – Present: Library Assistant
Memphis College of Art Library, Memphis, TN
Organizing visual material, gaining widespread knowledge of visual culture.

01.2011 – Present: MCA Animation Club President
Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN 
Creating, organizing and leading Animation events. Fundraising, pitching, etc.,

08.2009 – 05.2010: Design Club Member
Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN
AIGA Memphis Chapter, sold and produced visual material.




Review Committee Outline

I don't know yet if it's better to have my demo reel palying when they walk in or not. However I am showcasing it via a DVD when they enter the room, as soon as they get settled, I will start talking about my work and go back on the DVD to the menu. It will be awesome and pretty and they will ooo and aww.

Demo Reel

-Committee Enters
-Go to the DVD Menu and start talking about my work this semester
-Start playing work from this semester, sound on low, waiting for there feedback
-Answer Questions
-Go over more work, show them sketchbook.
-Answer Questions
-Finish off strong with the complete Demo Reel of all my work.

Schedule and WIP Self-Critique.


Finish Backgrounds by Dec 1 (Thursday)

Finish Scarfs & Squiggles by Dec 3 (Saturday)

Composite and Animate by Dec 6 (Tuesday)

Make Revisions and Turn in? by Dec 7(Wednesday)


Self Critique:

So far I think I'm making good progress, the only thing I'm worried about is the chase scene and I want to make it feasible and not make any promises, I can only say that I want it to be very tight and believable. Backgrounds are killing me right now, they are so time-consuming but I can't stand looking at crappy backgrounds- so? What can you do. I think my only problem this round is not spending enough time on all the extra things we had to get done, and only focusing on the WIP. I dunno- maybe it will help me in the long run. It's getting to crunch time and I'm really liking this project, and what I'm doing with it.

Travelling Fellowship (Revised x3)

So I've changed the Festival I wanted to go to because I found one that is even better and closer to my interest as well as being bigger and at a better time (The last one was during the Spring semester) than before.

I have been committed to making work that is both visually and technically exceptional since I have come to MCA. I have not only been active in the MCA community (founding and leading clubs, using my voice to make significant changes about MCA, etc.,) but I have done so while never receiving anything lower than a B for any class. I say this not to gloat but to affirm my passion and drive for my education and my future career. My work has been screened at Indie Memphis Student Short competition and I have been the leader of the MCA animation club, GSA, and a leader in Student Alliance. For that reason and more I believe I would be the best candidate for this fellowship.

The specific questions I plan to address are whether there are huge differences between European an American narrative. I would also like to answer why sci-fi and fantasy-adventure is although one of the hardest genres yet also one that profits tremendously both finacially and with career exposure; such as the Harry Potter Films or Star Wars. I would be the best person for this trip because I would use my time as wisely as possible, my experiences organizing events and connecting with others in the industry is paramount. If my work does not speak for itself, then you should know that I am a perfectionist and try to perform at the highest level of aesthetics and

Depart 4.29.2012 for London, United Kingdom via American Airlines Flight(round trip):$874.90-$1000.00

Arrive and arrange accommodation at: Keystone House Kings Cross in London, England:$26.58-40 a night. : $186.06 for 7 days (this is the cheapest rate, I may have to go higher)

(The full schedule of this festival is not yet listed online, but what I will likely be partaking in is:)

Sci-fi london: (strangely enough the ticket prices aren't out)
-48 hr Film Challenge
-Fantasy Screenwriter Workshop
-Search for a Script...
-Interviews with numerous professionals in the industry
-A lot more!

More things I will do!
 -Trip to the British Musuem : Free
- a visit to BBC Television centre for a tour : £7.75 - £9.95 ($10.41-$13.37)
-Tate Gallery : Currently Unavailible, Approx. $20
-Tate Gallery $20
-London Science Museum, Free, Imax is not free (set aside $20)
-London Trasnport Museum

Transportation: Oyster Card, $48
Food & Beverages: $950( The stay is for 5-6 days)
Emergency Fund:$400

Total: $2712.33

This is a conservative estimate.

Depart for memphis 5.6.2012, arrive 5.7.2012 (price listed above)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

W.I.P. Self Critique

So I'm trying to really stride that line between messy and "intentional messy" and trying to get it closer to the latter, at first I wanted to do it all in very muted colors, but I decided against it. I am now leading towards the idea of everything desaturated and then just the scarfs- but I think that's too forward so what i'm trying is;

Everything grayscale (except scarves)
Lights are colored.

^These work best.

So it was pretty fun going through these tests though, I think the outcome is pretty successful, needs more tweeks but it's getting there.

Some tests:

So learning to export out of ToonBoom with an Alpha channel is getting pretty confusing? I think I can do it it's just so tricky, and exporting everything in lossless format is pretty interesting- it actually doesn't take that long and the everything is still pretty awesome. Yep, so all-in-all I'd like to be further but I think   this is a manageable project. Also, the ending changed.


Backgrounds and ToonBoom Scarves.
Nov. 23-25

End of Thanksgiving- FINISH THE PIECE with Aftereffects lighting.
Nov. 26-28

Nov. 29- Dec.1


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Self Critique

I love making storyboards! I am always in a conflict about how detailed to make them however. If I make them too detailed, it distracts from the purpose, if I detail to little it looks rushed and doesn't serve to communicate my meaning. Nevertheless, I love making them, and recently I have turned to just making them animatics- why not? It's just one more step. I think my colored frame could use more textures- and I cannot tell you how conflicted I was over the girls legs- My god! Anyway, I'm excited for this piece, I thought of the story for a very long time, and I think it will be good to get feedback. I like the luminosity of her scarf against all these dark and grey solids- it really makes me think of france for some reason. It's also very rare that I make a piece that is so unfantastical that it could play as live action too. The only thing I'm worried about is how the textures will move when they cross the screen, I don't want them to go wanky.

Travel Fellowship (Revised)

    Going abroad is an opportunity few get to experience in their life, especially in their young adult years, yet it is so crucial for the life of an artist. If given this opportunity, I would choose to go to London to Attend the Sci-Fi London Film festival, and document my trip both digitally and traditionally by filling up at the least two sketchbooks. The purpose of this trip would not only be to understand and experience another culture but to further my capabilities as a film maker. I have experienced many film festivals in the US, and afterwards my work has always been tremendously more informed of the standard that the film industry has. With this trip, I think it would further the success of my projects and MCA's presence as not only excelling at fine arts, but digital arts as well.

    The specific questions I plan to address are whether there are huge differences between European an American narrative. I would also like to answer why sci-fi and fantasy-adventure is although one of the hardest genres yet also one that profits tremendously both finacially and with career exposure; such as the Harry Potter Films or Star Wars. I would be the best person for this trip because I would use my time as wisely as possible, my experiences organizing events and connecting with others in the industry is paramount. If my work does not speak for itself, then you should know that I am a perfectionist and try to perform at the highest level of aesthetics.

Depart 4.29.2012 for London, United Kingdom via American Airlines Flight(round trip):$874.90-$1000.00

Arrive and arrange accommodation at:  
Keystone House Kings Cross in London, England:$26.58-40 a night. : $186.06 for 7 days (this is the cheapest rate, I may have to go higher)

(The full schedule of this festival is not yet listed online, but what I will likely be partaking in is:)Sci-fi london: (strangely enough the ticket prices aren't out)
-48 hr Film Challenge
-Fantasy Screenwriter Workshop
-Search for a Script...
-Interviews with numerous professionals in the industry
-A lot more!

More things I will do!
 -Trip to the British Musuem : Free
- a visit to BBC Television centre for a tour : £7.75 - £9.95 ($10.41-$13.37)
-Tate Gallery : Currently Unavailible, Approx. $20
-Tate Gallery $20
-London Science Museum, Free, Imax is not free (set aside $20)
-London Trasnport Museum

Transportation: Oyster Card, $48
Food & Beverages: $950( The stay is for 5-6 days)
Emergency Fund:$400

Total: $2712.33

This is a conservative estimate.

Depart for memphis 5.6.2012, arrive 5.7.2012 (price listed above)

The wallet

Sometimes it's better to leave mysterious strangers; mysterious.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Travel Fellowship

     Going abroad is an opportunity few get to experience in their life, especially in their young adult years, yet it is so crucial for the life of an artist. If given this opportunity, I would choose to go to London to Attend the Sci-Fi London Film festival, and document my trip both digitally and traditionally by filling up at the least two sketchbooks. The purpose of this trip would not only be to understand and experience another culture but to further my capabilities as a film maker. I have experienced many film festivals in the US, and afterwards my work has always been tremendously more informed of the standard that the film industry has. With this trip, I think it would further the success of my projects and MCA's presence as not only excelling at fine arts, but digital arts as well.

    The specific questions I plan to address are whether there are huge differences between European an American narrative. I would also like to answer why sci-fi and fantasy-adventure is although one of the hardest genres yet also one that profits tremendously both finacially and with career exposure; such as the Harry Potter Films or Star Wars. I would be the best person for this trip because I would use my time as wisely as possible, my experiences organizing events and connecting with others in the industry is paramount. If my work does not speak for itself, then you can see

Depart 4.29.2012 for London, United Kingdom via American Airlines Flight(round trip): $874.90

Arrive and arrange accommodation at: Keystone House Kings Cross in London, England = $26.58-40 a night. : $186.06 for 7 days (this is the cheapest rate, I may have to go higher)

(The full schedule of this festival is not yet listed online, but what I will likely be partaking in is:)

Sci-fi london: (strangely enough the ticket prices aren't out)
-48 hr Film Challenge
-Fantasy Screenwriter Workshop
-Search for a Script...
-Interviews with numerous professionals in the industry
-A lot more!
More things I will do!
 -Trip to the British Musuem : Free
- a visit to BBC Television centre for a tour : £7.75 - £9.95 ($10.41-$13.37)

Transportation: Oyster Card, $48
Food & Beverages: $950( The stay is for 5-6 days)
Emergency Fund:$400

Total: $2672.33

This is a conservative estimate.

Depart for memphis 5.6.2012, arrive 5.7.2012 (price listed above)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tutorial Presentation/Self Critique


So For my TUTORIALS. Yes, I did two because Andrew Kramer took 45 minutes until he said we needed TRAPCODE for one of the tutorials. I think they were both really helpful and informed each other, however.



So you'll notice at 5sec it gets kinda crazy, and that's on purpose because I parented the Camera's positon to my sound's bass. It was pretty cool learning more things in aftereffects that weren't related to characters and I am excited to do more of it in the near future. I think also, my idea and concept for my Final is solid and that it will totally be in enough time. I just hope Jill allows me to be free with the experimental nature of the project. So yeah, I really learned a lot about expressions when doing this as well.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Final Project Concept Idea + Reference

I want to do a music video with a collage of video and paper art. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to do it at the moment but I'm passionate about this idea and I have some really good music that I've got the rights to use and I'm really pumped to get started on this. Here are some examples of music videos that I'm using as an idea for what I want to do.

This was done with cut paper and long exposure photography and aftereffects.

This was an abstract form of music video- I want mine to have more context than this and I like the "stop motion feel" of the previous two.

This is a pretty awesome video that uses miniature and stop motion and a special type of camera of some sort to get this really cool effect. Pretty boss. This is part inspiration and I want mine to be just as awesome.

Here is another good idea of what I want to do. To put it simply,
I want to take real world images/sketches, cut paper assets, and animation in aftereffects. To music. I really want the style to be sketchy and dirty but realistic.

As for the Story- I want it to be about a guy who loses his wallet then finds it in a different dimension.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Self Critique

So- this project was kind of trying, at first I really wanted to do something crazy and experimenting with all of the different camera movements and things but I ran into a problem when I started to render things out and see how they looked. It would of took hours to have rendered out what I originally wanted to do, so i got rid of a lot of comps I had within my comp and the Z rotations and tried rendering again. So, what I have learned from this is start rendering the night before and not the morning of.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Self Critique

So. I know I have some issues as far as time managment goes- but I realize now that I really need to stop having so much of a life. So yeah. I'm still happy with it- when I show it to people they like it and they think it's funny. I wish I could of done more- but I think we all feel like this after projects and I hate that feeling. As I write this my project is taking forever to export and it's killing me cause it's almost class time. Oh well.