Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Revisions to the story:

After snakee sees the city lights come on, he goes downstairs to have dinner and watch TV with his papee. They do and snakee sees a snake on the TV that can play the keyboard and is surrounded by female snakes- and he becomes enthralled with the idea of being a keyboardist snake. This is what he travels to the city to do- after he gets to the studio where it is being shot (after numerous trials and tribulations) he discovers the keyboard snake is just a puppet and the female snakes are prisoners. He is shocked- the female snakes beg him to free them and he does but just barely. He then goes to an alley and is depressed thinking his dream will never be fulfilled. One of the female snakes however (the central one and the best dancer) decides to motivate him to chase after his dream by breaking into a toy store and stealing a small electric keyboard- to which she gives him- they stay in the city (although in a slum that is underground) and  nurture their relationship.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty good Kaitlyn. I like that you finally have an ending to this. I like the direction of the story. I have a question is the main character's name going to actually be snakee?
