Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Snakee in the city

A snake in search of who he is travels to the big city in a coming-of-age tale.

An examination of human life in the eyes of someone who does not belong.

What happens to a snake when he travels from his quaint home on a farm and goes to a city.

Central Point
The collision of two juxtaposed objects, a city and a snake, and what happens thereafter.

Central Goal
To show a different perspective that centers the business of human life.

Abstract Terms
An outsider travels to a place where he does not belong travels to a stoic metropolis to find himself.

Short synopsis
A father snake and son snake live on a farm away from civilization. The snake longs to find out the secrets behind the bright lights and the people hurrying around from place to place. He meets a girl snake  that is inside a botanical garden and is entranced by her beauty. She charms him then uses him to steal from a pet store. He is trapped and wades away within a cage, when the pet store sells him his cage gets knocked out of the truck at the edge of town and he is left with the decision to choose the city or the country. To which he choses a place that is somewhat imbetween.

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