Monday, September 12, 2011

Character Study and Story Revisions

So, I decided that I didn't care enough about the story so I want to make some revisions to it:

     Instead of the girl living in a village, I want instead for the girl to be living in a space colony, where she grew up as a refugee, and the corporation that owns the space colony being one that is much like corporate America. The corporation is a monopoly and practically enslaves the population by forcing them to buy their goods. Anyone who doesn't have their newest model or most up to date products (phones, cars, houses) are forced out and must live in a slum. All the people that are trying to fight this system are locked up or silenced and so in order to change this she decides to free all the political prisoners at once from the prison. She is not out for vengeance due to her refugee status because of the war, only for change.
     Three actions that she will do are slowly create a tunnel to and from the prison (but  this will be a trick in order to cave the police in and slow them down. She will also gain allies, and then free the prisoners by way. After this they would likely have a revolution and in ten years I see her righting more injustices in other colonies. She will be trying to stop consumerism and materialism as well as money hungry-corporations as a goal in her life (like Ralph Nader).
    Her experience as a refugee and living in the slums (where crime runs rampatant) are the experiences that motivate her. The streets trained her to be smart and think from moment-to-moment as well as to fight. This is her point of view moment to moment, surviving and changing her circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that I caution you of- representing all you described in your piece and still telling a encapsulated narrative. The big brother status of the Corporation, your characters back story, and explaining how she changes the colony in the future is a lot of info. If you had to focus on one event, explore the tunnel idea- a sci-fi-ish shawshank redemption with an Aladin-esque female character can be very interesting. What you have here is a very solid start, and the character is compelling. Now comes the compression.
